Pharmacy Technology, A.S.C.T.

Pharmacy Technology, A.S.C.T.

Pharmacy products and materials display.
  • 准备一个有回报的保健事业,在医院分发救命药物 and retail pharmacies.
  • 药剂师的平均年薪是4万美元,你可以继续工作 your education to become a pharmacist.
  • 药学技术人员与药剂师密切合作,确保患者及时用药 and professional care.
source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Locations where this degree is offered:

Vincennes Campus
Early College

What can I expect during my time at 澳门足球博彩官方网址?

该课程旨在为学生提供基本的工作技能和知识 作为一名药学技术人员,并承担药房的初级管理职责. 本课程的目的是为药学技术人员的认证做准备 药学技术人员认证考试(PTCE)和PTCB认证 复合无菌制剂技术员(CSPT)考试,以及成为执业药房 Technicians in their state.  它还涉及公共卫生和 维护和促进药学服务尊严所需的道德行为. Upon 完成后,药学技术专业的学生就能取得符合要求的成果 of the program.

State Licensure/Certification Information

C.G. Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the C.G. the student will able to;

  1. 在入门级工作中表现出满意的工作表现所必需的认知知识 pharmacy position;
  2. 为客户配药,数药,贴药;
  3. demonstrate inventory and stocking skills;
  4. prepare I.V. mixtures, ointments and creams;
  5. demonstrate proper drug dispensing techniques;
  6. 并应用数学概念进行剂量计算.

What can I do with this degree?

药房技术人员协助药剂师配制处方药 for customers and/or healthcare institutions. The technician may receive written prescription 医生办公室通过电子或电话发送请求或处理请求.

根据州法律,药学技术人员也可以开发新的药物疗法, 配制或混合药物,管理病人档案,提供疫苗,并获得补充 从医生的授权,组织药品库存,并让药剂师知道 there are any shortages.

Under pharmacist supervision, pharmacy technicians:

  • 为病人提供处方药或非处方药
  • Assemble medicines for prescriptions
  • 向患者和其他医疗保健专业人员提供信息.

Pharmacy technicians also:

  • 管理药品供应区域,如药房
  • Supervise other pharmacy staff
  • 在医院和制药行业生产药品.

Career Opportunities

药学技术人员的就业预计将以高于平均水平的速度增长 for all occupations. 这种需求将是由于零售药店的扩张, 中老年人数量的增加,以及角色和作用的增加 responsibilities of pharmacy technicians.


  • Hospitals
  • Nursing Homes
  • Retail
  • Home health care
  • Public and government health agencies

Is this degree accredited?

文森斯大学药学技术课程是由美国认证的 卫生系统药剂师协会(ASHP), 7272威斯康星大道,贝塞斯达,马里兰州20814 (866) 279-0681. Website:,并为药学技术人员认证委员会(PTCB)的 药学技术员认证考试(PTCE),也有资格作为PTCB认证 复方无菌制剂技术员(CSPT)培训计划

ptcb logopurple logoashp logo



Recently Vincennes University Pharmacy Technician program has received 3 awards for Best Online Associate Degree, Best Pharmacy Technician School(s), and 2018-2019 Best Pharmacy Technician Program in the U.S.


VinU award                   best award                                              pharmacy award

文森斯大学的药学技术项目被授予印第安纳学院 and Career Readiness Awards for Excellence. The awards were presented at a February 2019年11月26日,在印第安纳波利斯印第安纳政府中心举行的仪式. The Indiana Career 技术教育奖表彰优秀项目, students, and partnerships that benefit the state. The program is supported by a grant 通过印第安纳州教育部和印第安纳州的捐款 Dept. 劳动力发展,澳门足球博彩官方网址,常青藤技术社区学院和印第安纳协会 of Career and Technical Education Districts. 


IU Health and Vincennes University Partnership

完成IU健康药学技术证书课程的学生符合资格 自动接受进入澳门足球博彩官方网址 AS/CT学位途径,使他们能够完成 their AS/CT in as little as two semesters. This can be done on campus or online. Students 在完成药学技术时是否应该选择IU健康转移 application.

有关IU健康的更多信息,请随时访问 access their site.

Area 31 Partnership

文森斯大学自豪地拥有唯一的ASHP认证高中课程 in the nation that offers an Associate’s Degree. Students in the Indianapolis, IN, 31区有机会获得AS/CT毕业,成为国家许可 技师,同时参加PTCB国家认证考试 completing their High School Diploma.

想了解更多关于本·戴维斯/ 31区的信息,请随时 access their site.

Twin Rivers Area Career & Technical Education Area

Twin Rivers is a Career & 由12个学校法人组成的技术教育合作社 服务于西南部戴维斯,格林,诺克斯,马丁,沙利文县的高中 印第安纳州的目标是更有效和高效地提供职业生涯 & technical education and training to high school students. High School Seniors involved in Twin 里弗斯将能够在2019年春季开始申请澳门足球博彩官方网址药房技术 certificate programs 2019-’20 academic year.

欲了解更多关于双子河的信息,请随时 access their site.

East Allen Career Center

文森斯大学以提供高质量的高中课程而自豪. Students 在纽黑文,印第安纳州,区有机会与CPC毕业,成为州 持牌技师,同时参加PTCB国家认证考试 they are completing their High School Diploma.

欲了解更多关于东艾伦就业中心的信息,请随时 access their site.

文森斯大学与先锋errx合作,为学生提供申请的机会 their knowledge to real world situations. Learn more here, and see how PioneerRx compares to other pharmacy software providers here.

Pharmacy Technology Information Packet (PDF)

Program Statistics

Have questions?

澳门足球博彩官方网址很乐意与您聊天,回答您的问题,了解您的个人 goals.
Please reach out to us at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 or call 812-888-4313 for more information.